Wednesday, June 15, 2011

i had it all, but let you fool me; fool me completely...

Hey sweethearts. I know I'm being terribly irregular with the blogging. That, and I need to traffic out my blog a bit more XD But I'm going to get my laptop situation resolved one way or another today, probably go hit Best Buy/BJs/whatever and go get a new one, or order it and have it shipped so I can receive it while I'm in Canada [yes, I'm traveling to Canada, and hopefully I'll be able to blog just as regularly from Canada!]. I do miss blogging regularly though. I have a couple things to share today. The fashion posts I mentioned earlier will be coming through a little later tonight, because I won't be able to blog tomorrow [packing, I have a two hour flight tomorrow night], and such. So I'll throw out a song of the day in this post, and talk about how excited I am that I've actually stuck with working out this time! Every muscle hurts, but in a good way. I'm trying to eat right and eat less too and hopefully I'll see results soon. I really want to start seeing results in the next couple of weeks. Eee I'm so excited to seee that LBD fit even better! Fashion starts with being fit, after all. Okay so, I'll talk more about my workout in a sec, and about the people that inspire me to be as beautiful and fit as I possibly can, inside and out, riiiight after this song-of-the-day! It's a great song, super upbeat and awesome, and it's a great workout song too! It's just something cool to cheer you up when you're down, or just put an extra spring in your step, even if you're not down and out.

So, Victoria Justice is freaking awesome. Awesome sense of style, awesome bod (and a major inspiration for me to get fit and in shape too!), and she has a really cute, upbeat, grounded personality. She's not always happy, but she's never fake. She's always true to herself, and takes her music mad seriously. I can definitely respect and admire someone who makes music such an important focus in their life, since it's such an important focus in mine (I'm definitely picking up a guitar sometime soon~ I'll probably get my younger cousin in Canada to teach me how to play, since he plays both acoustic and electric, and has been playing for freaking years. He's pretty good; remind me to videocam something, an impromptu basement performance (my other, even younger cousin drums really well!) while I'm in Canada, and upload it here and onto YouTube!) I actually think the show Victorious is really cute too, but above all I love Victoria Justice's confidence, and how okay with herself she is. I love her killer cheekbones too; they're so sharp they look like they could cut. She'd look awesome and edgier with short hair; but I really like her curls and waves so... lol. But she could pull off any outfit with those cheekbones. She's so fit and so skinny (not in a bad way, either!) too; it's so great. She's part of the reason I'm so inspired to get especially my abs and core into shape. I've started using the Nike Training Club app on my iPhone (yea, it's free, and awesome... I overuse the word awesome way too much. For an aspiring journalist/writer, this is not a good thing.) The NTC app is cool because it offers four different types of workouts; get Lean, get Strong, get Toned, and get Focused. The Get Focused is definitely my favorite, because it contains 5 or 6 15-minute workouts targeting specific areas of the body, such as 'Butt Buster', 'Ab Burner' (Ab Burner is my favorite!), 'Cardio Burst', 'Shoulder Ripper', etc. It's cool cause they're not too strenous workouts, it's really easy to carve 15 minutes to workout, and I really want that 4-pack flat tummy, so the Ab Burner is really great. The Butt Buster is fun too! I love my booty ;)
The app also rewards you with minutes; once you reach a set number of minutes you can unlock different rewards, such as a recipe for power smoothies, or, at 1000 workout minutes, Lea Michele's Triple-Threat Workout that keeps her in shape and looking so cute! So yeah, it's awesome, and I never choose the same workout two days in a row (I do the Ab ZBurner workout every day, but mix up the rest of the routine) so I never really get bored of my workout! Additionally I'm either using the treadmill or running outdoors, or biking outdoors, or playing basketball, so I'm getting my cardio in. Weights are the only thing I'm really not doing right now, but... I'll get on that later. So yea, it's really important to work out and eat right, not only to be skinny, but to be the healthiest, fittest, hottest, most beautiful version of yourself that you possibly can be.
Since I've been working so hard, I want to reward myself and showcase a little bit of Victoria Justice's style, just so I feel like I can eventually be as cute as her! (Another person-of-the-day cover will be coming soon, covering another one of my workout inspirations, and red-carpet style inspirations! Hint, it's obviously a tVD star. Speaking of TV, SO happy that Pretty Little Liars is finally back on air with its summer premiere! LOVE the looks there too; I'll showcase a style special later!) But, for now, here's a few shots of Vic's great style (I'm a sucker for leather all day, errday anyway):

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