Thursday, June 16, 2011

the city is ourss

Okay, guys. I'm a spineless, jelly-legged chicken, so no laptop for me as I'm Canada-bound. I'll get on the home computer and update this blog once in a couple days though. And come July, I'll have enough money to buy myself a new laptop without getting in trouble for it... I mean I'll probably still get in trouble for it but at least I'll have a laptop again and I'll have bought it with my own cash, so.... yeah. I'll be getting into less trouble, I guess. Anyway, the slightly more tech-free vacation should be more fun, I guess, even though I still have my phone and will probably be glued to that quite a bit. (Which, may I add, is also cracking --whose idea was it to make the BACK of the iphone 4 GLASS? I like how it used to aluminum; dentable but unbreakable -___-... so yeah my phone's a little fragile too, but I'll just go ahead and replace that in august when I can. No sense doing it now. By august I'll have a laptop to back everything up on as well :D Anyway. So tech-free vacation (I'll try and put the phone away, spend more time in the hot tub/pool...) means more catching up with family. I'll be able to keep up with Pretty Little Liars on the home computer too and I guess that's all I really need. I really need to work on my confrontational/being honest skills though. No scheming to avoid getting in trouble ever ends well on TV, but whether or not honesty's really the best policy all the time is a little debateable, especially in my world. ANYWAY, really gotta go; still gotta clean/pack some last minute things before I leave in... 40 minutes. Oops..... gotta run, NOW! Next time I write, it'll be from up north, the land of Ice Hockey :)

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