Tuesday, July 19, 2011

One moment

While this is a blog about positivity and letting your best inner self shine through, we have to face the fact that we wouldn't have anything good or positive without the bad and negative. I hate to call anyone talented, but not EVERYONE is Hollywood material; generally, people are either born with the talent or they're not; no amount of effort or autotune can replicate an actual innate ability to sing. Speaking of the untalented, apparently Rebecca Black's one hit "wonder", Friday, has spawned an unrelated sequel: My Moment, although I personally think Rebecca Black's moment/fifteen seconds of fame either ended with the parodies of Friday, or Rebecca Black will always be known notoriously for being even worse than Justin Bieber (and even the Biebs can sing and dance - he has real talent. His only fault is that he sounds like a girl. Rebecca Black just sounds awful -please YouTube 'Friday' if you've been living underneath a rock or are Amish ... although I have no idea what you're doing reading my blog post if you're either of the two.). However, I have to give Rebecca SOME credit; she looks prettier in this video than she did in Friday's music video, the choreography of My Moment is actually fairly good (Rebecca Black had absolutely no hand in that of course), the lyrics are forgettable, repetitive, cliche and uninspired, but at least they aren't deathly annoying (ditto - Rebecca Black didn't write them). You also have to give Rebecca Black credit for trying to follow her dreams, even if she should quit while she's still relatively ahead, since she doesn't have the talent to back up her dream. Props to her for making an effort to go after what she wanted, though, instead of letting life pass her by. I still think she should spare the sanity of the rest of the world, and find a dream that she can actually be good at. All this means is that she now has a better team working with her, not that she's acquired any real talent since Friday came out. So at the end of the day, Rebecca's popularity miiiight go up A LITTLE, just because you have to admit that the music video is much better than Friday's music video, and the song is slightly, slightly better than Friday was (actually Friday was SO annoying; this is much better by comparison. At least this is forgettable; I still can't get Friday out of my head at times.... so bad it's good situation.) And you have to admit that Rebecca Black's grown up a little since Friday and become a little prettier. Her hair doesn't look as lifeless and annoying... and the beginning of the song is decent. Nothing special, but decent. Her voice is better too; softer and less harsh/annoying/autotuned/forced.
As much as we try not to, everyone makes judgments about others, so take a look and judge for yourself:

No iTunes link for this; the biggest compliment I can give this entire production effort is that it's not annoying and it's boring but not bad. It's like bland food -harmless, somewhat good tasting, but unwanted. As un-annoying as it might be, nobody should actually pay a dollar for this.
I also sincerely apologize for the overuse of the word "annoying" in this post!

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