Saturday, July 23, 2011

Make it Shine

It's something we should all live by, and something I have to give Rebecca Black credit for. She owns who she is -not a great singer, but trying all the same. Trying to make herself a name, be somebody big and get noticed. Not all of us can be as great as others, but as long as we are the best version of our core selves (yes, even if you are the best villain ever, if your nature happens to be villainous... though I hope it isn't.) , we should be proud of who we are. It goes hand-in-hand with never committing to things halfway, but rather committing 100% to being our best selves possible in whatever we choose to do.
Be proud of who you are, and show your best self off proudly by being a hundred percent committed to whatever you choose to do and letting yourself shine in your efforts.

Here's another cute little picture saying the same thing...

And another. Be the best version of yourself, even if that best version isn't as good as somebody else's best version. All you can be is you, and once you accept that can you truly become everything that you always had the possibility and potential to be.
Apparently this is the 'Be proud of who you are and make your best self shine no matter what you do!' post... thematic blog posts are so cool haha. They're kind of like fun costume parties circa the '90s! The '90s parties had such good unspiked punch. '90s kids had the best lives; the kids of today are actually missing out, no matter how much technology they have (13 year olds have cell phones AND laptops, and iPods... there's no end in sight.)
That, though, is a complete tangent, but since this is a themed post, I figured I'd close it off with a video to one of my favorite inspirational, kick-in-the-pants motivational songs -I listen to this song while working out, while writing on a tight deadline, or trying to get any kind of work done. It's cheesy and cute and a hundred percent Disney, but Victoria Justice has a really good vocal range. I'm not obsessed with her (*cough*), but she's talented for a 17/18 year old, much more so than Miley Cyrus, etc. More talented than Selena Gomez, in my opinion. Victoria could do big league acting and real, non-Nick singing, in my opinion. This is one of my fave songs by her:

Not going to include an iTunes download link for this song, but Make It Shine is on iTunes. Buy it and watch it brighten up your day! :D And remember to always be proud of who you are, and always strive to shine and be the best personal version of yourself that you could be. You've already achieved more than you know, so be okay with who you are and own your personality.
*Everything negative can be spun into a positive*
Sorry if the post was a little (a lot...) redundant; I just really want everyone, especially insecure teenagers, to really let this whole post/idea hit home and I want everyone to really let this concept, being proud of yourself instead of hating yourself, into their lives. The redundancy is really bad in terms of writing, but the emotion behind this post is very real for me, so I'm going to excuse my bad writing here :P I'm trying to really learn to be proud of natural myself and let myself shine in my best version of me as well; I've spent far too long hating and critiquing myself with the mantra of not being good enough; that's got to change. Join me!

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