Saturday, May 28, 2011

Song of the Day/Embrace Asymmetry: A rant born out of sheer nothingness.

Every Avenue. "I don't regret it, but I wish we never happened, and I'll still never forget it~"
---So I embedded the video for you guys instead of just linking it; I like making things easier for my readers/followers. Links are annoyng to click on, so I figured I'd just give you the video right here (: I'll continue embedding all future videos, if it's possible. <3 Read on for the thoughts this song inspires within me!
it's an asymmetrical feeling; of something being unbalanced, not right. You miss him though you shouldn't, and it doesn't make sense. Guess what? Music shouldn't make sense. Feelings shouldn't make sense. Fashion shouldn't make sense. Thoughts shouldn't make sense. Actions shouldn't always make sense. LIFE shouldn't make sense --and it doesn't. So why are humans constantly trying to make life seem logical when life was designed to be illogical; asymmetrical? There's a beautiful symmetry in everything, and if we can learn to harmonize with it, the world will be at peace. If we let chaos take its natural course, the chaos will find its way back to order, but if we continue trying to manhandle the chaos into order, the chaos will simply beget more chaos. Embrace Asymmetry. (dibs on that band name... 'embrace asymmetry opening tonight for Arcade Fire!!! ohh yeahh.)

As the video goes, "we are all a wreck"... yes, yes we are, and being a wreck is not a bad thing. It is not circumstances, but what we do with those circumstances that matter. Being a wreck is of no consequence, but if you turn the fact that you are a wreck as an individual into a positive thing, by making it your driving force, by striving to change into somebody who is not a wreck, then being a wreck is an entirely good thing. Which is kind of an explanation of the name of this blog; "broken asphalt"... the asphalt, because I love the word, and it connects me to New York City in a spiritual, mental way... I really want to live there someday. My own apartment and everything. But the broken, well, everybody is just a little broken, a little imperfect, and that's a good thing, because not only do these imperfections set us apart as individuals, but they also become driving forces for us to better ourselves as people and as humans. Just be careful not to use that fact that you are imperfect, messed up, a wreck, as an excuse to make bad choices, or make choices for the wrong reasons. Make sure to let your imperfects and chips and cracks make you stronger, better, and make sure to accept some of your imperfections as unique things that make you an individual unlike any other.

hahahah also, random, but i just saw that my follower just dropped off the face of blog. Toriiiiiiii, toriiiiii.... call polo if you hear me!

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