Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Rainmonsterrrr

Hi guys. So today I want to talk about the Rainmonster... a.k.a Raina Hein, one of my absolute favorite aspiring, inspiring, successful, awesome, beautiful blog-worthy models! Raina was one of the contestants on cycle 14 of America's Next Top Model, and, as luck would have it, she was actually the runner-up to Krista White, who's actually an amazing, edgy, beautiful model in her own right. But what stood out about Raina for more, that sets her apart from so, so many other models out there, is her attitude. Raina always had a positive, spunky, go get 'em, sunshine-y kind of attitude on the show, and her bright and cheery attitude shows through in her blog on her website: RAINAAAA! Just click the 'RAINAAAA' and you'll be able to reach her website hahah.
Okay, so, in this particular post, I'm not really going to talk much about Raina. I'm going to share photos of her! Pictures are worth a thousand words, and you'll probably learn more about Raina (if you don't already know/love her) by looking at some of her photos than I could tell you. You might learn not just about who she really is but also who she loves to portray in her photoshoots! I'm just sayin' that I absolutely love her fun, sunny personality and I'm so trying to be more like herrr. I have my dark moments, but this girl never seems to have a dark day. Even during moments when she's down, depressed, or annoyed, she takes it as a teachable/learning moment and keeps her chin up high and knows that things will get better for sure, and that is just so amazing. But I digress.
In THIS post, I will post photos! Photos from Raina's website, which, she owns, of course; they're all the property of her blog/website/portfolio; don't use 'em etc yadda blah. You know the deal on stealing photos already, kiddos. But I just want to share some of my favorite snaps, both for her ANTM portfolio, and for some of her other ads/shoots. And let me just say that i would totally FLIP if I ever got to meet Raina (I think it's ironic how Raina's so sunny and yet her name actually has the word 'rain' in it. Maybe that's why she's so happy? :D) BUT. Without any more of my rambling, here's some amazing amazing amazing photos of this kickass superstar.ALSO, closing comment: I'm thinking about starting a 'person of the day' post too, kind of like I do with 'song of the day' or 'shoe of the day'.... just someone that inspires me and a quick explanation of why/how they inspire me, in fashion, life, music, thought or however. Real people, celebrities, models, designers, strangers, friends, family... anyone and everyone has the potential to be a 'person of the day', I guess. To clarify, they wouldn't be role models or anything; just... people who have a little piece of somehting that I admire. Give me your thoughts if you like, but I'll probably end up doing it anyway :D I like the idea; I think it's got interesting potential to be honest. It might help me personally keep track of who I want to be as well. PHOTOTIME! In my NEXT post :P This one's already too long and photos will make it far, far too long. My next post will be photos-only, promise. I have a tendency to ramble, and I know some people find it annoying. However, rambling makes me who I am, so I'm going to accept it as something unique, and run with it (: Stay tuned! I'll re-link Raina's website in my next post too, just in case. I'll re-link the photos page, actually, and then you guys can navigate around the rest of the site too. Love & pieces.

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