Monday, June 6, 2011

If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live? (person spotlight)

Hey guys. I actually want to save Lucy Hale for another post, and talk instead about someone who's really been amazing and inspiring of late; Candice Accola. Not only do I think Candice's character on the Vampire Diaires, Caroline, is amazing, but Candice herself has a killer sense of style and personality to boot. Caroline, of course, is awesome and relateable, because, as Candice puts it, "Caroline doesn't get it right the first time." She messes up, doesn't always know the right thing to say or do, is, at times, "a neurotic insecure control freak on crack", and has to find her way just like everybody else. She isn't "miss perfect, miss unattainable"; she's human, even though, of course, as of Season 2, she's officially a vampire. Despite her vampire characteristics, Caroline may be the most human out of all the characters, in terms of making mistakes and trying to make better choices, and being relateable and so normal in general. The great thing is that it's Candice who brings so much life and spunk into this character, so girlfriend's definitely got some serious acting chops. Read on as I cover this talented young actress, and what makes her so incredible and inspiring to me personally. Before I talk some more about Candice, the star behind the hit TV character, here's a short clip of the actress talking Season 3, Caroline, and her birthday.

How's that for spoilers?! Season 3 will definitely be covering Klaus and the hybrid situation in much more detail, as well as the original Petrova doppelganger ("Charlotte?) that Elijah first mistook Katerina for, when she was human. Speaking of Katerina, I love the quote; "Life's too cruel. If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?" As cynical as failure and heartbreak tends to make us, I think it's important to always hold onto that hope of someday finding someone. That was the first moment, besides the one in the tomb when Elena visits her, that we really get to see Katherine's heart. Losing her child so early, at only 17, must have definitely jaded her and made her feel that whomever she loved was going to be ripped away from her, so she got into the habit of leaving first and never really giving her heart to anyone, instead playing games. I think the name Katerina definitely suits her better though. People aren't born evil though; life and circumstances make them jaded, and bitter, and make them do things that are evil in the name of self-preservation...which is basically what Katerina's story is. It's beautiful. I can't wait for Season 3 -the year of the Originals! There's SUCH an amazing storyarc waiting to happen there, as we learn about how everything started.... and as we get to maaaybe tune into a little more Delena! :P Off topic !
First things first, it's absolutely amazing that Candice has achieved so much at such a young age! She's only 24, and landed this amazing, stable role -even though in a show like Vampire Diaries, there's absolutely no guarantees as to which character, outside of the core three, might get written out at any point in time. Sounds like Candice's character is definitely here to stay a while, since there's rumours everywhere of a CarolinexTyler pairing for season 3. BUT, I don't want to focus on the show too much. What I really want to focus on is how amazing her style really is. For those of you used to see her play Caroline, Candice's style is definitely different and much bolder than her character's.

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