Sunday, June 19, 2011


So here I am, blogging from the land up north, otherwise known as Canada! Stuff's definitely been going on since I've been in the CA for all of 3 days, so I'll give you guys a quick personal update first and then outline what's in store for the blog. Maybe I'll throw out something substantial by the end of the post, though I'm sorry to say I don't really have a song-of-the-day; I haven't been listening to good music much lately. Nothing new really catches my fancy; it all sounds like fake autotuned crap. Real music should be raw, real, emotional, and sound like it's straight from the recording studio and the artist, and it shouldn't sound like it's been autotuned to death before being released, even though I realize most songs are autotuned a liiiittle. That's why I like garage productions best; they're so real. Anyway, I just need some new bands to listen to; the pop-synth that's been on the airwaves so much recently is starting to make me sick.
Anyway, personal updates time! First things first, I've been slacking a little with the workouts, but I've been swimming, playing basketball, getting in a little aerobics routine (15 minute workout!) every other day, along with managing my diet so I'm not gorging ridiculously (I swear there's SO much good food to eat in this house...) so I'm trying to stay in shape. I need to keep up with my cardio and be running more; I'm a little guilty that I'm not. I should also be doing more than just 15 minutes a day of my Nike Training Club workouts.... I'll work on it. Those flat abs won't earn themselves. Anyway. My emotions have gone through a bit of an upheaval in the past 3 days too; my best friend confessed that he liked me, but wasn't ready for the committment it took to maintain a semi-LDR, since we're currently going to school in different states, and both have jobs, friends, family, interests, ambitions and just things to juggle in our own separate lives. So since nobody can just drop their life and visit, the idea got shelved, but I mean it hurt me because it wasn't my idea to get all honest and confessional. I feel like being honest and confessing feelings is really a waste of time unless you're willing to act on them and follow up on them. My friend should really have killed his feelings and spared mine, I mean he should acknowledge his like for me, but he should have been noble and not hurt me with honesty. Maybe I'm just aiming too high and looking too much for a Prince Charming who'll put me above all else. I mean it does sound a bit unrealistic, but one of my friends actually has that kind of relationship (that's not a perfect relationship either, but there's a ridiculous amount of love and chivalry there...) so I don't know why I can't have the same kind of love shared with me. I wonder if I don't deserve it, or whether I'm just not being patient enough? I get asked out a lot to be honest. Just not by the kind of guy it's possible to have something long-term with, I feel.
I was also thinking about how so many of my friendships go sour because I don't make friends easily with girls anyway, since they tend to be high-drama, and I hate tiptoeing on eggshells around people, trying not to offend them. Guys are so much more chill, and take offense much less easily, so I make better friends with guys anyway, but they usually end up liking me (or vice versa, but I never act on my feelings - I've learnt to hide my feelings so well that the guys don't even realize) and things go south. I hate how I lose friends because of stupid hormones. Idk. It'd be nice to just have a great friend and nothing more (I have a few of those, guys and girls, but I used to have SO many more before things went south...) Anyway, I guess I'm still friends with this guy, but things are awkward now. I know I'll never trust him like I used to again, but more independence might not be a bad thing. I was overly dependent on him sometimes. I'm sure we'll get back to being good friends eventually though; I'll just never trust him like that again. I'll have learnt to keep my distance. I'm also sure I'll find someone perfect someday (I have to keep hoping). So there's my emotional upheaval.
As far as everything else goes... I'm saving for a new laptop. I want a $450 laptop; I have about $250 at the moment. (Actually I have more but I'm not allowed to spend the rest of the 'savings') so I'll probably be riding the new laptop train by July. I also need to buy my friend a birthday present though, and apply for an internship by July 15 (the Seventeen online internship, actually!) so wish me luck with my to-do list.
I'll post my regularly scheduled post in the next post after a song-of-the-day, but after that I kind of want to talk about the 2011 MMVAs, which I watched today! (Some of my favorite people were there!! Selena Gomez co-hosted, and Shay Mitchell, Kat Graham, Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder, and Matt Webb of Marianas Trench were all there!! I'll actually throw out a MMVA music video that won as a song-of-the-day in the next post! I kind of like it; it's not my favorite song, but it's nice to listen to blasting from the car on a hot summer day.) And I want to talk about some of the MMVAs fashion; hits, misses, performances, etc. I'll also talk about the newest Vogue Nostalgia article, which is similarly beautiful, and the Vogue feature on Charlene Wittstock, Monaco's new princess that proves being a royal princess isn't just about sitting pretty.
Until then,

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