Saturday, October 27, 2012

me myself and I

So I have anger issues. Many have called me a bitch. I mean I already knew that. I like to think of myself as honest, not a bitch. And despite some parts of my life, I'm pretty principled. I care about people more than you'd imagine, and I try to be there for everyone. I try to be a good person, on the whole. It sucks that everyone's always trying to screw me over. I'm trying to focus on school though. Med school here I come. (Yes I've recently had a change in direction. Med school over journalism. Oh well.) I'm done with people though, especially the annoying ones. You wouldn't believe how much I don't care what people think about me. I'm doing me, I'm doing my own thing. I'm not trying to make anyone else happy. As long as I'm happy I'm good. You'd be surprised at how cathartic a way of living that is.

I'm sorry that this is a little more of a personal post than usual. I'll post about cute shoes or something next post. I just felt like getting a little personal, and, hell, downright selfish. I'm tired of being selfless, so this is what the world gets now. But even as selfless as I am...I'm still a great person; I'm still a person who cares. Even selfish, I'm more selfless than 90% of people in the world.

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