i could post more often, it's true. i generally can't be bothered though. much rather live my life than write about it and all that. at the moment i'm bored though. and pre-university ...blues?... are kicking in. so i'm really not going to post on a daily or even regular basis. just when i can be bothered. since i'm basically writing for myself, and because i'm bored and all that, not because i actually think anyone wants to read about my day. yay, okay, so glad that's cleared up.
so recently i've been on a major romance-drama movie kick. i have no idea why. the last four out of the six movies i've watched have been romance-drama, the exceptions being inception (amazing), and salt (overdone and very blah in general, but i'm trying not to overanalyze everything that's wrong with that one). the other four happen to be the titanic, sleepless in seattle, runaway bride and romeo+juliet. i watch alot of romance movies in general, for someone who really doesn't like romance much. eh.
what else? ah yes. i need to start writing again. it's been so ridiculously long since i've written anything substantial. the odd poem-drabble doesn't actually count as 'writing', in my opinion. i may post something...maybe on request. hm. maybe i could work in some of this romance-kick i'm on into a story, without making it terribly cliche and boring. ...which could be a challenge.
song of the day? more like i need music recommendations at this point. i've had the spill canvas/marianas trench on repeat and shuffle for far too long. but check out amplifier (imran khan), if you like dance music. and happen to be indian. :3 and try horchata by vampire weekend; it's decent too.
i have a feeling i'm forgetting something i wanted to talk about :/ this is what happens when you get around 6 hours of sleep; my sleeping schedule's veered off the railroad tracks completely at this point. i thus apologize for my forgetfulness...and i'll update again once/if i remember. just because it would kill my sanity to not post about it. :)
oh and i've gotten into arts and crafts again, pair of scissors and all. i feel like a 3 year old again. yay.
Hey guys. I'm just editing this post to embed the YouTube link for Vampire Weekend's Horchata ! (I need to put this song on my iPod again...) I think posts look better with a couple photos or videos in them to break up the text. My posts definitely get too rambly and too text-heavy; too often I forget about brevity - getting my point across eloquently in as few words as coherently and grammatically possible. I will try harder with that and keep my posts cleaner and shorter; still blog-y and super personal, but with better organization of writing! Anyway, here you guys go:
Hugs <3