Monday, May 30, 2011

more on how my opinions have been externally validated...

...even though I honestly don't need external validation. In the words of the wise, "what matters most is not reward, praise or pride; what matters most is that that the end of the day, you tried." (okay, so it's actually Ashley Tisdale's life philosophy that I picked up from Seventeen magazine's October 2010 issue. Ashley Tisdale's character and style is definitely one that I admire, even though it's girlier than I opt for.)
The Vogue article I referenced in my last blog post is by Julia Glass, published author, and genius, in my opinion. Her nostalgia article on beauty is an amazing piece full of self-reflection, unapologetic honesty, a strong sense of self and beautiful language.

I totally feel like inserting something absolutely random into this blog post, before I return to the regularly scheduled topic of this post (ha ha...) ...but yeah, so, two things:

1) I'm going to update this blog whenever I want! I won't stick to any sort of "schedule", because I'm terrible with schedules. I'll try and update frequently enough, but that might be several times a day, once a day, once in a few days or once a week. I'll definitely get to blogging once a week, but other than that... prepare for an overflow of posts :D

2) I really want an Audrey Hepburn 'Breakfast at Tiffany's print for my dorm room wall next year. I think Audrey just exudes class, poise and beauty --everything I admire in a woman. At the same time, Audrey's not afraid to speak her mind and ask for what she wants, and then go out and get it.

This is the print I want! I think it's gorgeous, so classy, feminine, strong, edgy, and iconic... all at the same time. 70's and 80's time periods really inspire me in my writing. Not my fashion, however. My fashion and style sense is much more modern. However, my style does take some cues and inspiration from women like Audrey; classic simplistic silhouettes are always flattering. I think Jen Aniston could pull off an Audrey really well... I think she does in an ad campaign for Smart Water. I'll post a picture later; I ripped it out of a mag so I'll take a picture and post it laterrr. Bisous pour maintenant... xoxo

Ps- I shall return to talk about Julia Glass's Nostalgia article in the next post! It shall be a long one, and I like to keep my blog posts relatively short and sweet, so I'd rather not mix this post and the next one. The post after that, which I'll probably put up later tonight, will rave about feathers and Lucy Hale (Aria Montgomery from Pretty Little Liars, and Seventeen Magazine's newest June covergirl), and I'll also talk about jumping on-board the whole wearing-beaded necklaces-as-bracelets thing which has actually been a hot scene for a couple seasons already, especially for the new-york-chic and boho and hipster-inspired. So I might be late with it, but I'll be blogging my love for the trend and the look and the way you should totally think outside the box and break other fashion 'rules' to create brand new looks and discover your own independent sense of style a little faster. Don't follow fashion; start fashion. [I apologize for rambling... I tend to do that sometimes :x] I'm also going to bring up Raina Hein, one of my absolute favorite, aspiring and already relatively successful models, also a former contestant and runner-up on America's Next Top Model. I love her use of color, and her photos, so I'll be talking about how all that inspires me. After that, I'll throw out a super quick, fairly easy but daring fashion challenge for myself AND anyone else willing to go the distance with me. Another thing I'll blog about soon enough is giving back to the community, and how Shay Mitchell (Emily Fields, Pretty Little Liars ...yes, I'm obsessed with the show; can't you tell? Second favorite after tVD; Gossip Girl falls in third... all three shows are so good for fashion inspiration too!) and her campaign for Somali Mam inspires me to start getting involved more in the community, and to help those who need it so much. Lastly, I want to talk about Selena Gomez and how much life and style inspiration I get from her! Actually, no. LASTLY, I want to post some photos! I've been getting into some old-school Hollywood glam photography; red lipstick, big blonde poufs --Marilyn Monroe, of course. But also water droplets, bright fuschia colors against a black-and-grey background, black-and-grey backgrounds and portraits in general. Hollywood-esque glam-style poses are also inspiring me, and I would love to take photos of real people, in modern, summer beachwear. (short shorts and a flowing white lace-trimmed top with cap-sleeves, Pirates of the Caribbean style? Which reminds me, I need to go see On Stranger Tides. Penelope Cruz looks divine; I caught some June Vogue stills. Still haven't seen the movie :/) But yes, I'd love to snap photos of a young beachgoer in a modern outfit, in an old-school Hollywood-glam, Marilyn-Monroe pose, with maybe a splash of bright red lipstick or violet eyeshadow standing out against a faded, softened black-and-white background. The beachwear I'm thinking of is actually kinda like the outfits Emily Browning wears in The Uninvited haha. It's such a creepy, overrated, but good movie in a B-rate scary movie kind of way. Maybe C-rate. Emily Browning's acting was good, at any rate. I feel like watching it again for some reason :S I'm such a creepy horror flick junkie. Anyhow, I should really look into organizing a photoshoot or something; I've been more and more interested in photography lately for some reason. I guess that's because I want to see just how beauty is really captured when we try to express our inner beauty through our clothes, our actions, our choices, our words, our music, our hair; everything, really.
Haha I'll be dividing all these upcoming discussions into different blog posts of course, but I love how I just went on a rant about what's to come... I guess I'm planning it out a litle in my head so I don't forget anything important, and I'm just SO ridiculously excited to talk about all this stuff! I'll also try to find and link an online version of Julia Glass' article for my next post. See ya in a bit... xo
Pps- Blogger's inability to cut/paste is driving me CRRRAZY. and not in a creative, good way either.. I wanted to shorten this post and just create a new post as an intermediary rant post before I started discussing Julia Glass's article in Vogue mag. Oh well :/ Another song of the day + shoespo (shoespiration... my term, coining it!!!) will actually be my next post before the much-promised discussion. I know my posts have been a bit messy of late... that's what happens when I have too much time on my hands, and I've been getting SO much inspiration lately. But none for actual writing; I've only had inspiration for blogging hit me lately... bleh. Also, off topic, but here's my parting thought: I think Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton could definitely take a few more fashion/style risks, right? Her style's' awesome; sleek, polished, age-appropriate, royalty-appropriate... but she could pull off riskier while still staying classy. <3 -kisses & lace

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